Catch up on Nursery Week here!
First up is a blogger I’ve mentioned quite a few times because: One, she’s hilarious and two, she makes amazing unique DIY projects that I ACTUALLY want to and have remade! (See here and here.) Her nursery feels out of my league, but is a must mention with all its flare. IG: @vintagerevivals
- photo by vintagerevivals.com
- IG: @vintagerevivals

photo by ohjoy.com IG: @ohjoy
Lindsay, from The White Buffalo Styling Co. made a nursery in her old and new home for their sweet girl. I love the wall color and those curtains!

photo by thewhitebuffalostylingco.com IG: @thewhitebuffalostylingco
This next nursery designed by House of Hawkes is subtly colorful. The blush, black, white, and pine combo is stunning and sweet. I’d love to create a soft room like this one day for a little retreat. (I’m going to need a lot of rooms “someday”…..)

photo by houseofhawkes.com IG: @houseofhawkes

photo by houseofhawkes.com IG: @houseofhawkes
- photo by thehuntedinterior.com
- photo by thehuntedinterior.com

photo by lovelyetc.com IG: @lovelyetc
- IG: @flourishandknot
- photo by flourishandknot.com

photo by witandelight.com IG: witanddelight_

photo by witanddelight.com IG: @witanddelight_

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