Wow it has been a long time since I've been on my blog or even shared to my blog's Instagram account. A year or two? Hello again from Chelan, Wa! Today I'm hopping on to share our farmhouse mudroom ... READ the POST

Paradigm conquest Estate floors
One of the most common questions I get is about our Paradigm Conquest Floors. I shared this post when they were installed last summer. Today I'm going to share some more finished photos with furniture ... READ the POST

cheap Walmart Plant pots
Hey all! I'm popping in here today because spring has sprung and we are loving seeing the green start growing around our dirt laden lot! Since we're not ready to jump into landscaping, I decided to ... READ the POST

Moving into our European Farmhouse
The time (and blogging dedication) have passed me by and we've officially lived in our home for 4 months! On September 25th of our 1 year home building journey, we passed final inspection and moved ... READ the POST

Build Update 7: Finishes Final Stretch
Hello! It's the end of July 2021 and I'm here with perhaps one of the last build updates before we move in! This end of summer at the house is all about the finish details. But let's rewind a little ... READ the POST

Build Update Paradigm Conquest Floors in Estate
I'm excited to share a quick build update: the floors have gone in! Here's a peak of the Paradigm Conquest Floors in Estate that we chose for our house. (A special thanks for the photos from our sweet ... READ the POST
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