With a baby on the way I felt it was time to have a proper guest bedroom for visitors to comfortably stay in! Therefore a guest room makeover was in order for this particular room. The electric blue was stunning though not quite the style I was going for. (But still, Go Hawks.)

The first thing I did was paint the trim and remove the light fixtures. I decided that I didn’t want to use a desk in the corner they had one and on top of that, we were a little skeptical about how the track lighting was connected up there. Turned out there was a bit of risky electrical wiring behind it all so my husband tidied up the wires, put them in a proper electrical box, and popped an outlet cover on top. (We weren’t in the mood for patching drywall…)

Isn’t that refreshing!?

I tried to spend as little as possible when it came to this room’s makeover. I just scoured the house for what I already had and looked to see if it fit! For example. I used some leftover paint to make this super fun DIY Ombre Wall that I’ll be sharing with you soon.

Another money saver was actually this DIY Live Edge Headboard that I’ll also be sharing with you soon!

Painting the door trim and baseboards white was a huge improvement upon the room. I actually finished the whole house since we’ve moved in! It was an endeavor while pregnant, but actually proved easier that painting full walls the further along I was. Switching the door knobs and hinges was another game changer. We did this in every room when we moved into the house and i thought it actually made the oak trim look better while it was still unpainted! Switching those out is also something you can spread over a few months if that’s what your budget calls for. The hinges can add up quickly!
You can find the tutorial for my triangle shelf here!

Repurposing things from my previous huge office makeover has been fun if a little bitter sweet. I still love how this Ikea desk puts a clean and modern touch on any room! The mirror came out of the downstairs powder room during this makeover, and though I couldn’t commit yet to hanging it in here, I do like the look of it on the stool.

BTW the gray paint is Behr Ground Fog and the turquoise paint is Behr Nocturne Blue.

It’s so nice to finally have a spot for guests to rest in comfortably. Hopefully we’ll be getting them a bigger bed to sleep in soon, but this plus an air mattress will have to do for now! (Rock paper scissors anyone?)
Source List:
turquoise paint | Behr Nocturne Blue
gray paint | Behr Ground Fog
headboard | Petite Modern Life (tutorial to come)
cellular blind | Ikea
plant pot | Home Depot
sconces | Target
curtains | Ikea
triangle shelf | Petite Modern Life
magazine organizers | Ikea
waste basket | Ross
stool | Amazon
book and agenda | Rifle Paper Co.
flag | Petite Modern Life

Marilyn McCorriston says
Your makeover looks amazing! I. Doin my bedroom in the same nocturne blue! Can you tell me what white you used on the trim and walls? I’m afraid I went to stark white with behr ultra pure white, might come out fresh might be horrible…lol but I loved how you did the ombre walls… Flows very nicely!
Petite Modern Life says
Hi Marilyn! For trim I think I used the shelf white can BEHR painter and primer mix! I don’t think I even tinted it!