It has been so true of my second pregnancy flying by before my eyes. I still can’t get over how much my peanut is growing much less the girth of my stomach!(Which is quite sizable at this point…) We have some big plans for this year as a family, in addition to having a baby in July. We’re not quite ready to share all of them here yet, but soon we will!
This time at our 20 week anatomy ultrasound we asked the tech to not tell us the gender and write it in a separate envelope so we could read it together without that awkward “plus two people we’ve never met before audience.” It was way more fun to exclaim to each other privately in the car after seeing…
It’s a girl!
I grew up with two younger sisters and my husband with only one older brother so our family dynamic is almost a “shocker” to the both of us! He had called it that baby was going to be a girl where I was uncertain, but leaning towards a boy. It didn’t take long for my shock to wear off and get excited about having a sweet girl with a darling big brother. I can’t wait to see these two grow and adventure through these next crazy seasons of life together.
Also girl things much? :D I’ll be sharing some fun lists and registries soon!
If you have favorites, share them below!
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