Ever just want the plain Ikea facts right there in front of your face without having to open a thousand tabs? Me too! So in light of trying to find the right Ikea items for my house I’m going to make some Ikea Cheat Sheets for us all to use as we attempt to channel our inner Swedish. Beginning with the Ikea Ivar System.
Isn’t that nice? I’m only showing units with a depth of 11 3/4 (11.75″) because that is what will make the most sense on the wall in our living room. Truth be told, I’ve already used this cheat sheet to easily measure out what pieces I could use in the living room! Walla, something useful.
I’m always a fan of Ikea items made out of pine because you can easily stain or paint them before or after assembly! Here are some fun Ivar system hacks that I’ve found recently.
Design Sponge
Do you love them? Where would you use the Ikea Ivar System?
Dennis says
I really like the wall length bookshelf you put together. My only question is how did you add the single cabinet when the only Ivar cabinets are double doors? It’s stumping me!