This post is sponsored by Wayfair, all reviews and opinions are my own.
This year, the fall equinox really helped me transition from my summer obsession into that cozy fall love. It’s never been harder in my life to let summer go! We had such a fantastic summer of 2019. In fact, before we dive into this fall farmhouse table, let’s just recap the highlights of the past summer shall we?
Summer 2019 Highlights
Mostly, I made sure the kids and I got out to our favorite beach a couple times a week. We’d be there by 10am and have the place to ourselves or with our friends for 2 hours before anyone else would show up!
We also split a boat with a family this summer which was a blast! Our can’t handle going out for very long, but they loved it when we did. We at plenty of watermelon and cherries ( and got together with my best friend’s family while they were camping! (Oh hey tan line!)
If you follow along on Instagram, you’ll know we got our pool clean and up and running! The pool strangely came built with our property (no house!), and with it’s view we couldn’t resist getting it clean to play in even if it was just for a month.
This mama also had a huge adventure celebrating her BFF’s birthday in NYC! We trekked over 30 miles around the city, ate delicious grub, and saw our musical obsession, H A M I L T O N!!
Lastly, we’ve enjoyed fun visits from family getting to share the lake, local water slides, and wine tasting galore! (I’ll just put it out there, if you come to visit, I’ll take us wine tasting. Even if you don’t drink, I’ll drink and you can enjoy the views!! ;)
So yes, Lake Chelan was oh so good to us this summer. The fire smoke was at an all time low meaning we just partied outside as long as we could. But now fall is here and I’m all in. The fall clothes have been ordered (haha, it’s not fall for me until I get a new sweater and some boots!!); the house smells like vanilla pumpkin spice; and the fall activities are booking up my calendar!
On the Fall Calendar
Mainly, my fall photography sessions. It’s such a cozy time with good lighting for families to get their pictures done. Everyone feels a little more confident in long dresses or pants and long sleeves anyways! The most exciting session I have coming up is a styled fall wedding shoot!
As I lined up my vendors to my envisioned theme, I was also busy shopping for the details that will make this shoot beautiful. The main decorated parts of a styled shoot are usually the arbor and the dinner/dessert table.
While I’m very excited for the details of the shoot, I’m also a very practical person. Therefore, I needed to make easy practical use of my decorations after the shoot. Not a problem.
Fall Farmhouse Table Settings FTW!!
I mean how beautiful are these fall table settings?! Here is what I searched for on Wayfair to find these gems: “Tribal Rug Runner“ in “Hallway Runners“ and “Vintage glass votives“ in “Candle Holders.”
Depression Obsession (er..wait…)
I found the plate on Etsy by searching for “Depression Glass Plates.” I’ve always been obsessed with depression glass. They make for gorgeous party or special occasion table settings. If I had known about my love for these while registering for my wedding, I would’ve said, “Move aside china and crystal!” (Watch, my Grandma is going to read this and tell me she has a whole box of plates, bowls and cups in storage. “Yes please Grandma!!)
Rug on a Table??
I wasn’t sure if using a rug runner for a table runner would be acceptable, but I think it looks fabulous here! The colors of this particular rug are so soft and fall toned. The various blues with that peach won me over when I took it out of the packaging.
The Perfect Fall Votive Set
The glass votive set is plainly perfect. The brown, gray, amber colors in the varying heights and texture is everything I love. The wood display tray is timeless and makes it easy to cluster them together. If you’re not picky, you could also use them for barware! Whiskey tasting anyone?
So you’re probably thinking, “Ok, ok, this is all wonderful, gorgeous, and what I want on my fall farmhouse table to be sure Karisa, but WHO’s HOUSE IS THIS?”
A fair enough question.
***Disclaimer: Not My House (cry face)***
One of my dear friends here built this gorgeous farmhouse and shares pretty much all the style love that I have as well as the drive to build things themselves to save a pretty penny. Our families are smitten and it’s so refreshing breaking out of our yellow walled, orange oak rental to take pictures of interior design I love!
Rachelle has been super generous in letting me take and share pictures of their beautiful home! I’ve actually photographed their entire house and will be sharing it soon on Petite Modern Life! Until then, follow along on Instagram to see the glimpses of fall and great angles of this fabulous home.
Too Legit to Quit/Dork Alert
Can I let you in on a secret? Actually, my husband would say it’s a well known fact. (ha!) But I can be a total dork. In the picture below I was totally in mid conversation with Rachelle as I braced my camera on a shelf, set the timer and focus, and posed over these flowers for this shot. It took two pics for her to realize what I was doing and bust out laughing.
I’ve learned, if you want a picture. Just do it. And do it unashamedly! With confidence, no one (except your husband) will think any less of you!
OH! And dork factor number 2? I’m cheap– I mean FRUGAL, but creative, and I picked all my flowers, probably weeds, off the side of the road the morning of the shoot as I drove to drop my son off at preschool. Yep, that’s me.
Thanks for joining me on this fall farmhouse table with rug runner post! Get into the multi-functional zone and buy yourself a $40 dollar rug for your table and one for your kitchen! Whoop whoop!
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