OK guys, I’m getting antsy. There’s a house of fun projects, decorating, and adventure just waiting for me about 20 minutes away from where we’re currently residing– and when I say “a house” I mean “OUR house!” I’m literally having dreams that we’ve snuck in while the current family was gone for a weekend to start our makeovers! It’s a month of anticipation all around I suppose. On the 17th we’ll celebrate our 4 year wedding anniversary (woop woop!), on the 21st we found out the gender of baby G (!!!aagh!!!), and on the 25th we’re supposed to get the keys to our new house (faint). Can you see why I’m going a little crazy?
Thank goodness for the internet and a messy room to clean.
The messy room made me focus on cleaning and organizing something right in front of me (no…I wont come to your house. Love your thoughtfulness though). And the internet gave my mind refuge to scheme and plan. In particular, scheming over the future color of my oak kitchen cabinets. During my scientific research on Pinterest, these cabinet colors caught my eye. I’ve gathered similar colors for our comparison from the Benjamin Moore color collection.

photo from Ikea // Apartment Therapy

Photo from Apartment Therapy
Here are some great grays I’ve picked out to test. I want to see the difference that the brown hues play out over the blue and green hues. This swatch I’ve made up really demonstrates how different they are when side by side. In an online picture of a room they just look like gray!
The dark slate colored cabinets really appeal to me. I love the idea of contrasting them with a white or butcher block counter. And you know me, I love dark paint :)
Lastly I have a crush on the seafoam range of colors as shown in Smitten Studios’ kitchen. It’s a color I’ve never used before, but would go great with soft white or dark slate. I’m really tempted to try it…
Isn’t that a beautiful collection of paint colors? What colors have you used or would want to try?
Also, now my mind can rest for a little bit. Until I go crazy again and start planning the other rooms. I haven’t even allowed my mind to wander to the nursery until we have some of the bigger projects going!
Allie says
Karisa! I’m so excited for all that you’ve got going on! I can’t wait to hear all the updates. And I’m crushing on ‘cheating heart’– perfect gray with great undertones (not too much blue or brown) *swoon*